来源:未知 日期: 作者:admin
1. C++语言的参数传递机制包括传值和传地址两种,如果调用函数时,需要改变实参或者返回多个值,应该采取传地址方式。
2. 受托人证明自身妥善履行职责的方式有111()
3. 在Word编辑状态打开了一个文档,对文档做了修改,进行关闭文档操作后:
4. 下列哪种酶不存在于柠檬酸循环?
5. 诺尔斯认为,成人的学习缺乏内在动机所驱动,而是受外在激励因素影响。
6. 领导连续流理论是由( )提出的
7. 汇编器的作用是( )。
8. 股票的内在价值在通货膨胀影响下会变小。
9. When I begin to look back on all friends whom I have had, I quickly came to the conclusion that Jerry was the most important and had the greatest effect upon my life. His family moved to my block when I was only 10. Jerry was 15 at the time, but the fact that he was so much older than me seemed to make no difference to him. I was very glad that he liked me. We took long walks together, on which he would tell me stories he had heard form TV and radio programs.
10. 计算速动比率指标时,按现行制度规定可以列为速动资产的有( )
2. 受托人证明自身妥善履行职责的方式有111()
3. 在Word编辑状态打开了一个文档,对文档做了修改,进行关闭文档操作后:
4. 下列哪种酶不存在于柠檬酸循环?
5. 诺尔斯认为,成人的学习缺乏内在动机所驱动,而是受外在激励因素影响。
6. 领导连续流理论是由( )提出的
7. 汇编器的作用是( )。
8. 股票的内在价值在通货膨胀影响下会变小。
9. When I begin to look back on all friends whom I have had, I quickly came to the conclusion that Jerry was the most important and had the greatest effect upon my life. His family moved to my block when I was only 10. Jerry was 15 at the time, but the fact that he was so much older than me seemed to make no difference to him. I was very glad that he liked me. We took long walks together, on which he would tell me stories he had heard form TV and radio programs.
10. 计算速动比率指标时,按现行制度规定可以列为速动资产的有( )