

来源:奥鹏远程教育   日期: 作者:奥鹏作业辅导


试卷总分:100    得分:0

一、 单选题 (共 25 道试题,共 100 分)

1.We hurried to the station ____ find ourselves three hours earlier for the train.

A.only to

B.in order to

C.so as to

D.such as to



2.Forty to sixty percent of genetically modified organisms are finding their way to the produce departments. That process involves taking a gene from one plant or animal and putting it in another. "So now, we make these changes in the laboratory and put these changes back into corn by the new technology," Dr. Curtis Hannah said.Not all consumers are pleased that researchers are tinkering with food that finds its way to American dinner tables. Opponents say that some produce is laced with pesticide to make them drug resistant. Labeling advocate Jodette Green said that foods that have been genetically engineered need to be labeled.A Massachusetts watchdog group said that a local supermarket chain is selling a pancake mix containing genetically engineered ingredients that aren't listed on the label.News Center 5's Rhondella Richardson reports that MassPIRG launched its Safe Food Campaign on Thursday, calling for accurate labeling and better testing of genetically modified food.MassPIRG said that packages of Shaw's Pancake Mix contain GM food, but they aren't labeled as such. "There's no info about the potentially dangerous DNA contained in this pancake mix," Jill Rubin of MassPIRG said at an afternoon press conferenceCereal and many soy and corn products are genetically modified, but they often don't say so on the label. There are not rules or regulations requiring such information on nutrition labels.MassPIRG believes that childhood ear and sinus infections could soon be incurable and that the consumption of genetically engineered food creates more food allergies.Shaw's pancake mix has not caused any known health problems, but many feel that better labeling shouldn't be too hard for a store to swallow. "I want to know what's in everything I buy," shopper Alexander Grieco said. "I have high blood pressure and high cholesterol."MassPIRG targeted Shaw's Supermarkets in its campaign because the Shaw's parent company in London has voluntarily removed all genetically engineered ingredients from its store brand products.A local Shaw's spokesperson said that in England, there was a lack of direction from the government on what to do when consumers questioned product safety. The Food and Drug Administration has found nothing unsafe so far, and Shaw's awaits direction from the FDA before any product is recalled. Question:According to the article, MassPIRG is an organization ___________.

A.in favor of genetically engineered foods

B.not optimistic about genetically engineered foods


D.responsible for testing genetically engineered food



3.The children were surprised when the teacher had them ____ their books unexpectedly.


B.to close





4.Johnny's mouth watered at the ____ of the delicious cake.







5.English ____ in a new way at my college in the past few years.

A.has been teaching

B.was being taught

C.has been taught

D.had been taught



6.To create a supercell, take a storm where wind speed increases with height, while wind direction veers; a situation in which updraughts and downdraughts within the thunderstorm can support each other's existence rather than cancel each other out. It is as winds blow into this turbulent region from three to five kilometers up that a low-pressure section of the storm may begin to rotate. The rotation of this part of the storm (known as a mesocyclone) causes the air pressure to fall some more, prompting wind lower down to flow into the storm and speed up upwards. This creates a spinning updraught which high-level winds in the storm can boost in the same way that wind blowing across the top of a chimney does wonders for drawing up an open fire. You're not yet looking at a tornado, though if you're watching this particular storm develop you might start looking for a getaway car —especially if the storm begins to change shape. When mid-to upper-level winds upwind of the storm encounter the supercell, some are forced to detour round it. They converge again downwind, moulding the storm clouds into an ominous anvil-shape in the process. But while some wind goes round the mesocyclone, some runs full square into this meteorological brick wall and is forced downward, creating a "rear flank downdraught" (RFD) which many experts believe is what makes or breaks a tornadic storm. It's when an RFD tries to swing around the base of the storm, narrowing the area of wind flowing into the updraught and increasing its spin (in the same way figure skaters when their arms are pulled in) that you might want to get into your getaway car. If you're anywhere beneath whirling piece of meteorological give and take—a funnel cloud—you are in a bad, dangerous place known to stormchasers as "the bear cage". It's where, if the funnel cloud sticks around long enough for the updraught to touchdown on terra firma, you will find yourself on the inside of a tornado. Question:When the storm rotates, ________.

A.air pressure will go on increasing

B.it starts from the low-pressure section

C.wind will join the storm in setting an open fire

D.an updraught will be replaced by a downdraught



7.____ I saw was two men crossing the street.







本文标签: 北语 阅读(IV) 作业 答案 



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