来源:奥鹏远程教育 日期: 作者:奥鹏作业辅导
北语19秋《强化口语》(Ⅰ) 离线作业3[答案]满分答案
《强化口语》(I)作业Part I. Give answers to the following questions. Your grades will depend on your statements so try to organize your thoughts or ideas to the point but be brief at the same time.
Say something about traveling. Suppose you and your family had visited many places during the winter vacation, how do you like this traveling experience? Why do you choose to go out for a traveling? Describe those places you visited in a simple way. (100%)
北语19秋《强化口语》(Ⅰ) 离线作业3[答案]历年参考题目如下: