

来源:奥鹏远程教育   日期: 作者:奥鹏作业辅导
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课程名称   旅游初级英语一  

  名称   实用旅游英语(section1-3)  
出版社   中国人民大学出版社  
作者   杨华  
版次   第一版  




Eating out is very popular in China; so, it is often necessary to make reservation. You will sometimes see short lines of people waiting for tables at restaurants.  外出就餐在中国很流行。提前预定一般都很必要。有时你会看到饭店里有人等待就餐排起了队。

Always read the menu posted outside before going into the restaurant. This avoids your being seated and finding you don’t like anything on the menu, or worse yet, that the prices are too high. 进入饭店之前一定要看清贴在外面的菜单。这样可以避免入座后才发现菜单上都是你不喜欢的东西,或价钱太贵,那就更糟了。

Our check-out time is at 12:00 a.m., but you kept the room until 6:00 p.m. I am afraid for late check-outs we charge an extra 50% of the room rate. 我们的结账时间是12点, 但您是下午6点退房,恐怕对于晚退房的客人, 我们要收取50%的房间附加费。

Attention, please. This is the last call for the 12:20 Train N105 to Beijing. The N105 for Beijing is due to depart from Platform 9 at 12:20. Passengers are requested to get aboard immediately. 请注意,这是12点20分开往北京的N105列车最后一次广播。12点20分开往北京的N105次列车停靠在9站台,请旅客们马上上车。

The Chinese compare Hangzhou to “the Paradise on the Earth”. There are countless natural and man-made scenic spots on the lake, in the hills and around the lake. 中国人把杭州比做人世间的天堂,西湖上和周围的山里有数不胜数的自然和人造的景点。

A unique Chinese food is dim sum. Actually dim sum is more than just a category of dishes; it’s an eating custom. 点心是一种独特的中国食品。实际上,点心不仅是一类食品,还是一种饮食习惯。

The Chinese were the inventors of noodles; they were brought to the European noodle country—Italy, by Marco Polo only in the 13th century. 中国人发明了面条,仅在13世纪面条就由马可波罗传到了欧洲面食之国——意大利。

–How do you like traveling by train?

--Very much. I never get tired of watching the landscape slip by.
   - 你喜欢乘火车旅行吗?
  - 很喜欢。美丽的景色从窗前掠过,我百看不厌。

Riding a bicycle has many advantages. It is good exercise and less expensive than other means of transportation. You don’t have to buy tickets as you do when traveling by bus or subway. You don’t have to pay for gas as you must when you drive a car.


Morning breaks in Wuxia Gorge are a delight for passengers on touring boats. 观看巫峡晨曦是船上游客的一件赏心乐事。

Westerners don’t know too much about the importance of fengshui in traditional Chinese culture. 西方人不太了解中国传统社会向来重视风水观念。

Not only do basic cooking techniques require great skill, but they also demand a deep understanding of the ingredients themselves. 基本的烹饪技术不仅需要高超的技艺,也要对食物成分本身有深刻的理解。

I would like you to give me another blanket. This one is stained. 我想再要一张毯子,这张脏了。

This is the world-famous Forbidden City where once emperors, empresses and their families lived. 这就是举世闻名的紫禁城,曾经是帝王、后妃和他们亲族居住的地方。


最后我们都同意一点—每到一个新的地方都要去尝尝当地的小吃。(agree on one point)

Finally we all agree on one point—enjoy local snacks whenever in a new place.


Could you tell me the fare of an air ticket for Xi’an, departure time, and flight number?


   - Which would you two like to have, aisle seats or window seats?
  - We’d like to have one window seat definitely, in the nonsmoking section.
本文标签: 南开 课程 期末 复习资料 


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