

来源:奥鹏远程教育   日期: 作者:奥鹏作业辅导


I. Fill in the blanks.(每题1分,共38分)
1. For both native speakers and non-native speakers, fluency includes __         _ (1), _       __ (2),
__        _ (3) and __        _ (4). Fluency is a general term for good speaking __        _ (5).
2. For different level accuracy means different things which go from _       __ (6) _       __ (7)
to _    _    _ (8) _         __ (9).
3. In studying the relation between fluency and accuracy, there is one point to be sure, that is, fluency does not __         _ (10) accuracy at all.
4. Humans acquire language by understanding messages or by receiving _        __ (11) _        __(12)
in the _         __ (13) process.
5. Engaging learners in __       _ (14) interaction in the second or foreign language classroom is essential and involves the processes of both _        __ (15) and _        __ (16) _         __ (17).
6. In Krashen’s theory, adults have two distinctive ways of developing competence in second or foreign language learning, that is, _        __ (18) and __         _ (19).
7. Anderson’s theory is that of the acquisition of cognitive skills, on simple interpretation, ranging from
__       _ (20) __       _ (21) to__       _ (22) _       __ (23) .
8. Teachers should provide _        __ (24) _       __ (25) to prepare the learners with their storage of language information and __      _ (26) __        _ (27) for learners to communicate and to control their production. Teachers’ role is not limited as an imparter; instead teachers should be __       _ (28) with learners too.
9. Between input and output, there is, usually, a period of _        __ (29) .
10. Learning by doing encourages students to __        (30) the language, which is a process of _    __ (31) that leads to high level of proficiency.
11. There are two ways to improve students’oral production. One is to practice speaking based on _     _ (32) and the other is based on _        __ (33) and __        _ (34).
12. There are two kinds of speaking activities. One is _       __ (35)__       _ (36) exchange; the other is _        __ (37) __        _ (38) exchange.
II. Explain the following terms(每题5分,共30分)
1. Grammar Translation Method
2. Intonation
3. Systematic teaching and unplanned teaching
4. Background information
5. Organization and style
6. Validity and reliability
III. Open questions.共32分,第1小题10分、第2、第3小题每题11分
1. What errors do Chinese learners often make in their speaking and writing? How can you as a teacher deal with learner errors?(10分)
2. Design a 40-minutes grammar class using inductive approach (11分)
3. What problems are there in teaching writing? How can teachers deal with the problems in teaching writing?11分


本文标签: 东师 2017年 秋季 期末 考核 



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