

来源:奥鹏远程教育   日期: 作者:奥鹏作业辅导
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1.        the way you think about something or your idea of what it is like  
2.         a class on a particular subject, usually given as a form of training
3.         the act of agreeing to a demand
4.         a place where an organized meeting, concert, etc. takes place
5.         the level of confidence and positive feelings that people have, esp. people who work together, who belong to the same team, etc.
6.          to experience important events or changes
7.          something continues for a long time without any pauses
8.         done in a sensible and careful way
9.         put sth. into effect; carry out
10.        attracting a lot of public attention, usually deliberately
11.        characterized by continuous change, activity or progress
12.       to possess or own ( a desirable feature)
13.        intricate and rich in detail
14.        a span of one thousand years
15.        all the ancient knowledge, beliefs and stories of a racial or national group
16.       to copy the actions, appearance, mannerisms, or speech of; mimic
17.        very exciting or shocking
18.        the art or practice of shaping figures or designs in the round or in relief, as by chiseling marble, modeling clay, or casting in metal
19.        an element in a mixture or compound
20.       special knowledge in a scientific or industrial field
21.       something you decide to where there is a risk of failure as well as a chance of success
22.         very close; touching or almost touching
23. spectator      a person who watches, esp. an event or sport without taking part
24. empire    a group of countries under one central government, often ruled by an emperor
25. resemblance    similarity, esp. in appearance; likeness
26. nostalgia    a feeling of fondness for something in the past, often mixed with a kind of pleasant sadness
27. biblical         relating to or written in the Bible  
28. donation       the act of giving something, esp. money, to help a person or an organization
29. philosophy         your general attitude to life and the world
30. pilgrim         a religious person who travels a long way to holy place
31. tavern         a word used in the names of some pubs and hotels
32. vicinity         in the area around a particular place
33. annual         happening or done every year or once a year
34. ritual          one or more ceremonies or customary acts often repeated in the same form
35. fabric           cloth made by threads woven together
36. rhythm          regular repeated pattern of sounds or movements
37. colony           a country or area under the political control of a distant country
38. immigrant        someone coming into a country from abroad to make their home there
39. abandon          to give up or bring an end to something
40. millennium          one thousandth anniversary
41. imitate           to mimic
42. elaborate         full of details, carefully worked out (adj.)
43. well-being        a feeling of being comfortable, healthy, and happy
44. motel          a hotel by the side of a road, usually with spaces for cars next to each room




What is MICE tourism and what are the major components of MICE tourism?

What is so-called “give and take” philosophy?

When did MICE tourism begin to develop? Where was the first conference held?

When and Where did the concept of commercial hospitality emerge for the first time?

本文标签: 南开 课程 期末 复习资料 


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