

来源:奥鹏远程教育   日期: 作者:奥鹏作业辅导



试卷总分:100  得分:100

一、多选题 (共 10 道试题,共 50 分)

1.The cost and value of middlemen are ___.

A.time utility

B.place utility

C.information utility

D.form utility


2.Examples of negotiable instruments include:

A.promissory notes



D.certificates of deposit


3.Running a partnership has several advantages:

A.Improved Access to Capital and Credit

B.Greater Possibility for Good Management

C.Definite Legal Framework

D.Better Prospects for Growth


4.Some techniques are invented to make the jobs more satisfying, including___.

A.job rotation

B.job redesign

C.job enrichment

D.job enlargement


5.Products generally fall into two categories as____.

A.tangible products

B.intangible products

C.industrial products

D.consumer products


6.In general, there are several types of life insurance:

A.whole life insurance

B.term life insurance

C.limited payment life insurance

D.endowment life insurance


7.The main disadvantages of corporations are listed below:

A.Unlimited Liability

B.Lack Of Secrecy

C.High Organizing

D.Double Taxation


8.Once the pricing objective is set, an appropriate strategy can be worked out accordingly:

A.Skimming Strategy

B.Price Lining Strategy

C.Penetration Strategy

D.Odd Pricing Strategy

E.Loss Leader Pricing Strategy


9.According to its purposes, accounting falls into ___.

A.public accounting

B.personal accounting

C.managerial accounting

D.financial accounting


10.According to their purposes, tariffs fall into___.

A.special tariffs

B.revenue tariffs

C.protective tariffs

D.common tariffs



二、判断题 (共 10 道试题,共 50 分)

11.To most people, a product is something tangible, but the intangible attributes of a product often play a more important role in attracting customers.


12.Penetration strategy can help the seller penetrate the market quickly and make it difficult for possible rivals to enter the market.


13.Employment agencies are intermediaries which match individuals looking for jobs with firms in need of new hands.


14.Speculators will buy a stock or a bond for long-term investment.


15.Factors are collection agents who buy accounts receivable under their face value from firms who are in need of cash.


16.parties to a contract must be legally competent and can be held fully liable for their conduct.


17.The profits reinvested have a multiplier effect.


18.The most common written warranty is the warranty of merchantability.


19.term life insurance is inexpensive because the insurance company pays only if the insured dies.


20.In order to attract customers, a store can offer a few items which are priced at or under cost. Such items are called loss leaders.






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