

来源:奥鹏远程教育   日期: 作者:奥鹏作业辅导



试卷总分:100  得分:100

一、多选题 (共 10 道试题,共 50 分)

1.In order to achieve the goals of a business organization, the management has to play some basic functions,such as ___.






2.Some techniques are invented to make the jobs more satisfying, including___.

A.job rotation

B.job redesign

C.job enrichment

D.job enlargement


3.___ are the major modes of transportation for merchandise






4.Deficiency needs are___.

A.social needs

B.self-actualization needs

C.security needs

D.physiological needs


5.The advantage of sole proprietorships are many fold. Following are their major appeals: ___.

A.Simple to Establish

B.Less Tax Burden

C.Freer In Decision-Making

D.Easy Keep Operational and Financial Secrecy


6.According to the way they are collected, the import surtaxes or duties fall into ___.

A.specific duties

B.compound duties

C.alternative duties

D.ad valorem duties


7.Before assuming risks, a firm must take two important factors into consideration___.

A.the time involved

B.the probability of success

C.the people concerned

D.the amount of money involved


8.Marketing usually involves the following functions___.

A.Standardization and Grading

B.Marketing Research

C.Finance and Credit



9.According their origins, law can be classified into___.

A.statutory law

B.special law

C.regulatory law.

D.common law


10.The selling process of personal selling inculd___.



C.Make Presentation

D.Handle Objections



二、判断题 (共 10 道试题,共 50 分)

11.on-the-job training can be quite informal and unplanned.


12.The price or exchange rate at which one is willing to buy or sell a currency is called a quotation.


13.A major indicator of a country's economic growth is the change in its gross national product, or GNP, which is the total value of goods and services produced by an economic system in a year.


14.The common law practiced in the US originated in England and was carried into America by the immigrating colonists, and this is why it is also referred to as Anglo-American law.


15.In a structured interview, the interviewer asks questions in a prepared format to solicit specific information.


16.liability insurance covers losses resulting from damage to other people or other people’s property.


17.implied warranties are also called expressed warranties because the features of the warranty are spelled out in writing .


18.VISA and MasterCard are two of the most popular bank credit cards.


19.Small firms often use an open promotion system in which the job vacancies and their specifications are openly posted.


20.Specialty goods are newspapers, magazines, fast food, soft drinks, cigarettes, etc






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